Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Sleepy Kappa

And another month goes by in the blink of an eye!

Where does the time go people?

Here is another long overdue update and another custom.

I've been reading into Japanese mythology and specifically Yokai,

So here is my take on the Kappa, he's all sleepy cos his water has tipped out of his head awww let's give him a cucumber :) 

sorry about the picture quality I will get some better ones of this guy really soon

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Cyclops Hunter

Well I'm trying to keep up the momentum so here comes another custom...

This guy is a custom Teddy Troop, a Cyclops Hunter and an unintentional homage to to every ones favourite GM soldier "Rogue Trooper"

Better pics to follow at some point when he's clear coated.

"cyclops hunters often wear the eyes of their other prey around their necks, they believe this gives them an advantage over their mono-eyed game. The more eyes the better right?"

Sunday, 3 July 2011

By Demons Driven

Nothing for months and then two posts in a day!

Exciting news as my Heavy Metal Qee is finished, the full scoop has been posted on The Heavy Metal Qee Project home page so here is the info for all of you to see.

My Qee is is almost named after the Pantera song "By Demons be Driven" as a little homage to one of my favourite metal bands and here is the back story. 


As the year 2012 approached many world leaders began to see this as an opportunity to unify and subjugate their people and began a process they called the readying in which they attempted to rid the world of anything they saw as a threat to their power. Using the Christian cults as semi-legal vigilante groups to round up and eliminate anything they saw as an affront to God they hoped to rid the world of people who did not fit with their world vision and used the excuse that they were delaying the wrath of God to justify this.

Artists, Protest groups and Musicians of all kinds along with many others were placed into prisons and left to rot; the world leaders thought they had won. The remaining population would do anything their leaders asked, after all they had been saved from the fiery judgement of God.

Then came new years eve 2011, midnight saw the sky turn red and the seas boil.

God spoke to the people of earth, he told them they had wronged him greatly with their actions and that he had thought forgiveness was a right for all his creations but this was obviously not the case. He told them he had given up on earth, that he would give it willingly to Lucifer to do with as he pleased.

The prisons where so many had died began to twist and contort, their metal frames formed animalistic bodies hundreds of meters tall, then the metal began to crack, splinter and break away. Where the metal once was there was now pulsating flesh, the bodies of the dead had merged into abominations.

These where the wrath of God and the children of Satan filled with the fury of the dead and by demon's driven.

Be sure to head over to the Heavy Metal Qee website for some extra pics as well as pics of all the other entry's for the show by some fantastic artists.

Big thanks to Daniel Perry for organising the show and letting me be a part of it.

I know I haven't been around much lately...

It is with a new found respect for the blogger's of the world that I post this on my woefully neglected blog.

I have been busy tho (not just slacking I promise) and so today I thought I would present to you at least one of the fruits of my labour.

Prepare for a terrible pun as I present to you...

Crocnan the Barbarian!


Friday, 11 March 2011

Mini Tea custom Tour

I am super proud to announce that I will be part of the Matt Jones aka Lunartik, custom mini tea tour!

This has been in the works for a little while now and is one of the reasons I started this blog in the first place (so I had somewhere to announce it) its a great feeling to be involved in a show with so many great artists from around the world many of whom I own toys by and have been inspired by. I am so happy that it has led to this point where my piece will appear side by side with theirs.

below is the official statement along with some links you will want to check out and right at the bottom is the super lo-fi sneak peak which I have done in paint (I'm sure I had a working copy of Photoshop at one point oh well)

Lunartik’s Mini Tea Tour featuring 70+ custom works of art, created from Matt JOnes’ platform toy, Lunartik in a Cup of Tea.
These artistic interpretations have been brewed to perfection by a fine selection of World Artists.


43° Gallery
Almstadtstraße 43,
10119 Berlin

- Part of the Pictoplasma Character Walk.


6th - 10th April 2011

Mini Tour Site LinkIt will only go live this Friday 11th March at 3PM GMT

Thursday, 27 January 2011

WIP Mad scientist

Here is a little more progress one of my Munnys, I am currently working on some projects which I cant quite show yet (one is know but the other is new, secret and super exciting) and I am using any left over apoxie on this guy so he is slowly coming together.

I don't think I have too much left to do one this guy before paints.

Monday, 24 January 2011

WIP trio

so I've had the three guys below in progress for what seems like an eternity but I'm slowly making headway with them and who knows I might just finish them in 2011, each of these guys has quite a lot of work needed but they are getting there.

Friday, 21 January 2011


So the first post of 2011 has been a long time coming huh? Ive been pretty lax with the blog lately and to anyone who might read (hello is there anybody out there?) I am sorry for my laziness.

Well I finally have something worth blogging and it is my custom Yoka which I did for a trade on the October toys forum (link in the side bar)

The Yoka is called "bearly contained" and I make no apologies for the very bad pun ;) he is supposed to be an imprisoned monster but he's started to bust out after who knows how long trapped in his metal prison!

Pics come courtesy of the recipient WCsMinion of the forum, thanks dude!

click the pic to embiggen,